Boar Box Gold Highbanker

$833.91 +GST for NZ

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New for 2023 (just released in 2022) the Boar Box Highbanker is unlike any other gold processor on the market. It’s “multi-tray” design gives a cascading process with multiple layers of GoldHog matting. Each “drop” exposes the slurry to varying capture surfaces allowing for the gold to find its hiding place. Tests have shown the Boar Box to be 99% efficient down to 100 mesh gold. The unit comes complete with all matting and a 1100 GPH bilge pump.


Includes Boar Box, Matting, Legs, pump and hose. 

  • Lightweight, portable unit that packs flat for convenient storage and transport.
  • Versatile machine that can be used to run low volume production or cleaning and processing cons
  • It is highly adjustable to meet the needs of varying materials.
  • 12v battery powered – no gas
  • The recirculating system can be used in a stream or standing water


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