Dry Electromagnetic Separator with Lights and Adjustable Power Supply (includes detachable Rollie Pollie)

$729.57 +GST for NZ

Black sand separator with powerful magnet.

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Electro-Magnetic dry separator with lights and detachable Rollie Pollie

ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode

Device Concept

Objects that are attracted to a magnetic field have a property that is known as “ferromagnetic.” For example, Magnetite, Iron, Nickel, and their alloys are all ferromagnetic.

Almost all other materials are non-ferromagnetic except for some metals like aluminium, gold, silver, and copper, which are slightly paramagnetic. In this instruction sheet, paramagnetic materials are considered non-ferromagnetic since their interaction with the Rollie Pollie magnet is low.

This device continuously separates dry ferromagnetic particles from dry non-ferromagnetic particles.

A commingled mixture of 1/8″ classified ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic particles enters into the feed hopper located on the highest point. The interchangeable feed hopper acts as a storage reservoir as well as a flow rate controller. A smaller 1/8 funnel opening is appropriate when the incoming iron content is above 50% . A 1/2 ” funnel opening is suitable when the incoming iron content is below 50%

As the material exits the funnel, gravity pulls the particles through an induced magnetic field. The non-ferromagnetic particles course is not altered and drops straight into the “Ore Par.” The ferromagnetic particles migrate towards the magnet while they are in the magnetic field. Once the particles reach the flume’s sidewall (closest to the magnet), they are directed up, over, and into the adjacent flume. Once in the adjoining flume, gravity continues pulling the particles until they eventually break away from the magnet and fall into the (Ferromagnetic Concentrate Jar).

As the unit is in operation, the operator must observe that non ferromagnetic particles drop into the Ore Par. It is recommended that the user replaces the funnel with a smaller opening if ferromagnetic particles are falling into the Ore Pan.


The following two categories influence the success of the separation process:

1) Keeping the funnel from plugging by pre-classifying.

2) Keeping the magnet from becoming overloaded.

3) Minimize losses

This may be an iterative process since adjustments will need to be made during the separation process.  The operator will want to use the largest possible funnel opening without overloading the magnet.  The user can also adjust the rotating magnet’s speed to speed up the removal process for finer separation.

Setting up the system

Since gravity is utilized in this separation process, the positioning of the components is crucial. Find a Mason Jar, Collection Pan and an Elevator Block a little taller than the collection containers. Place the Electro-magnetic Separator on the Elevator Block and position the Mason Jar under the Right Flume.

Comes with an adjustable power adapter and the correct plug adapter for NZ.

Insert the Rollie Pollie and plug it in. (Make sure to use at least 8 Volts)

Switch the Rollie Pollie on and set the Voltage to 12.

Begin feeding material into the upper funnel and observe the amount of material collecting onto the magnet. If there is any ferromagnetic material dropping into the Ore Pan, try increasing the Voltage until the non-ferromagnetic material starts to flip up. If ferromagnetic particles are still entering the Ore Pan, it will be necessary to replace the funnel with a smaller one.  Repeat these steps until the ferromagnetic particles no longer drop into the Ore Pan.

Input: 110 – 240V
Output: DC9 ~ 24V, 3A

Please note that the detachable Rollie Pollie looks like the picture below and not like the units pictured in the videos and in the Gallery.

It can also be used separately like shown in the video below.

ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode