The Lewis Winch Peavey Hook makes a great anchoring device for the logger, woodlot operator, first responder or anyone who works in the bush where trees are being cut or have fallen after a storm.
Simply set your Lewis Winch with the Peavey Hook attached on top of a large stump, line up the tip of the hook with the center line of the stump and start your pull. As the load increases on the cable, the force will imbed the Peavey Hook into the stump resulting in a solid anchor for your portable winch.
This is a great time-saving anchoring system because it is an easy way to move from one anchor point to the next without having to disconnect and reconnect your Tree-Saver Belt or cable and chains.
The Lewis Winch Peavey Hook is a solid steel hook that will easily withstand the 8,000 pounds of pulling force that the Lewis Winch was built for…
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